Year 11 GCSE Grading 2021
Year 11 GCSE Grading 2021 Update.
Mr Topley has written to Parents/Carer's of our Year 11 students to inform them about their Year 11 GCSE grades.
In the coming weeks and months, more information will be released and we will of course communicate this to you as fast as we can. Please do not hesitate to speak to any of your teachers or the senior leadership team upon your return to face to face learning in school on the 9th March.
On behalf of all of the staff at The Bolsover School, we look forward to welcoming you back during the week commencing 8th March to finish your GCSE studies and make sure that the GCSE grades you achieve are “Nothing but the Best”.
Infographic for How GCSE Grades will be awarded in Summer 2021