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Covid Local Support Grant Fund

The government has recently announced that the COVID Local Support Grant Scheme (CLSG) will be extended for the summer break for those children and families most in need during the ongoing pandemic.  These grants are to help pay for food, gas, water and electricity during this difficult time. The summer scheme will be delivered utilising the same method as the May scheme.

There is a very short timeframe to identify eligible claimants.  The Local Authority will therefore be using the data they received from school in relation to May half-term payments, but there may be new claimants for benefit related free school meals since 7th May, 2021.  If you have not received vouchers previously as part of this scheme and believe you are eligible, please register for the vouchers via this link:

Each eligible child will receive vouchers with a total value of £80.  The Local Authority will distribute two £40 vouchers to parents and carers of each eligible child on two dates – 19th July and 9th August. If those eligible have not received a voucher by either 26th July or 16th August respectively, they should contact

Derbyshire Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF), funded by Department for Education

Derbyshire County Council are delighted to share with you details of how families can access FREE healthy, enriching activities and food for our benefit related Free School Meal children. The Derbyshire HAF programme has developed a bespoke website It's about me ( supporting children and families across Derbyshire whilst also introducing our 30-day summer challenge.

Please note that whilst The Bolsover School fully supports the above schemes, they are being organised and delivered by Derbyshire County Council.