Post-16 Career Planning Day
Our Post-16 career planning day on the 20th October seemed to enlighten, support and engage our Year 11 students.
The aims of the day were:
- Managing opportunities, changes and transitions
- Being confident and optimistic
- Planning, prioritising and setting targets
- Assessing risk and reward, and making decisions
The day comprised of lessons in the morning covering careers topics, talks from outside speakers, and a careers fair. Students completed a booklet which addressed topics such as self-awareness, opportunity awareness, strengths, and career research tools, all of which will hopefully aid our students in their decision making.
The careers fair in the afternoon attracted over 20 local providers, offering both academic and vocational post-16 routes.
It was also fabulous to see some of our Ex-students who came along to share their thoughts and experiences on their current sixth form studies.
On the evaluation forms, students said:
‘I got quite a lot of free stuff and I now know about where I can go after school’
‘I enjoyed the A-Level talk as it was really helpful for what I want to do after Year 11’.
‘ I learnt about apprenticeships and colleges and what grades I will need to get in to West Nott’s College’.
‘ I know now what the requirements are for the Army and what grades I need’.
‘I enjoyed the day as there are so many options, I am not sure what to choose as I like them all’.