Advice From Our Students
What worries did you have when you were in Year 6?
I was scared of quite a few things when I was in year 6 like would I make new friends but when I met my friends they had the same fears as me and I guess we all just got through it together.
What was the best bit about transition?
For me the best bit about transition was walking in to the first class at Bolsover it was just so wonderful, and it will be an unforgettable moment for me!
What was the hardest bit about transition?
Honestly, it was walking! My legs ached after school, I would just sit down for hours just to feel them again.
How is Secondary School different to primary school?
Well firstly it is way bigger, but I do not know if that is because I came from a small school and there were only about 155 of us there but in Year 7 alone there is about 184 of us.
Who can you go to if you need help?
You can go to a teacher - it can be anyone - it could even be your friends if it makes you feel better.
What worries did you have when you were in Year 6?
- Was I going to be with any of my current friends?
- Would I know anyone in my new lessons?
- Would I make new friends?
- Would I be able to find my way around?
- Would I like my new teachers?
- Which form would I be in?
- Who would be in my form?
- Who would be my form tutor?
How do you find your way around school?
Finding your way around school is easier than you think! There are different coloured blocks and different classroom numbers to help make it easier for you. All classrooms have room numbers outside the door. The numbers for the classrooms will start with the letter of the coloured block that it is in, followed by which floor it is on. For example, if the classroom is in Red block, the room number will have a ‘R’ before it, followed by a ‘G’ for Ground Floor or ‘F’ for First Floor (upstairs). For example, RF2 means Red Block, First Floor (upstairs) and room number 2 and YG4 means Yellow Block, Ground Floor, room number 4.
Who do you go to if you need help?
If you need help or have any problems, you can go to:
- Your ‘Head of House’
- Your form tutor
- A teacher that you feel comfortable talking to
- Student Services (near the school office) – for questions about buying equipment/uniform, school trips, paperwork etc.
What worries did you have when you were in Year 6?
The only worry I had was getting lost in a bigger school.
What was the best bit about transition?
Going to lots of new rooms and seeing lots of new teachers.
What was the hardest bit about transition?
The hardest bit was getting into a routine of having different teachers for different lessons.
My top tip:
Make sure you try your hardest to make new friends and just enjoy it!
What was the best bit about transition?
The best bit about transition is trying new things that you may or may not have done before.
How is secondary school different to primary school?
The most different part is that it’s a lot bigger.
Who can you go to if you need help?
If you need help, ask one of your friends or your teacher.
What did I worry about before I moved up?
The main thing I was worried about was that I would get lost as it is so big……and I did!!
How is secondary school different to junior school?
- Starts earlier at 8.30am but also finishes earlier at 3pm.
- You have to buy your own food at dinner time.
- You have to wear a really strict uniform.
- There is lots of work to do in lessons and a lot more homework.
- You get to meet people from other schools and make new friends.
- You might end up in a different form to people you know which can be scary at first.