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By attending The Bolsover School and wearing our school badge with pride, we expect students to make a commitment or ‘pledge’ to being a trustworthy, brave and successful student.

Over the course of a student’s time here at The Bolsover School, we ask them to make 10 pledges which are linked to our three school values. These pledges are not designed to be easy to achieve and it may take several years before students achieve them all.

The Bolsover Pledges form part of our tutorial programme and students are given opportunities to plan which pledges they want to work towards and support to achieve them. Students will be issued with a pledge passport where they can record which pledges they have achieved. For every 2 pledges linked to the same school value, students are issued with a gold pin badge for them to wear with pride as a sign that they have proven to be a trustworthy, brave or successful student.

Students who achieve all 10 pledges are awarded a special ‘Nothing but the best’ gold shield, a £30 voucher and a discounted ticket for the Year 11 school prom.

How will students benefit?

  1. Widens their school experiences
  2. Helps them develop new skills and knowledge
  3. Gives students focus and leads to positive action
  4. Helps students to contribute positively to the culture of the school
  5. Gives students a sense of achievement
  6. Increases rewards – certificates, badges, achievement points
  7. Students become trustworthy, brave and successful
  8. Prepares students for life after school by adding to their CV

In order for parents and carers to help their child achieve as many pledges as possible, the pledges are as follows with suggestions of how to achieve them:


Pledge 1 – To successfully participate in a residential or careers/curriculum based trip

  • Year 7 art trip – tropical butterfly house
  • Arts London residential
  • Geography field trip
  • Thackray medical museum – History and H&SC
  • Careers trip
  • Paris
  • Ski trip
  • Any trip in school counts towards this pledge
  • However, your conduct during the trip will be taken into account

Pledge 2 – To take part in community projects

  • Participation in the annual carol concert
  • Duke of Edinburgh award
  • Assist with the OAP Christmas party
  • Participate in primary school visits
  • Scouts
  • Girl guides
  • Cadets

Pledge 3 – To secure and maintain a school position of responsibility

  • Student council
  • Form ambassador
  • House prefect
  • School prefect
  • Form wallet monitor
  • Student receptionist
  • Student librarian
  • Transition ambassador
  • Mentoring younger students
  • Reciprocal reading ambassador


Pledge 4 – To represent the school in competition or contribute to school performing arts events, on more than one occasion

  • Sports - Football, athletics, rugby, cricket, trust academy games
  • Music events
  • Dance and drama
  • Backstage, lighting and sound

Pledge 5 – To participate in at least three different assemblies or contribute to organising a tutor activity or event

  • House assembly
  • Year assembly
  • Drama productions
  • Form time debate
  • Form time presentation
  • Form time activity

Pledge 6 – To organise or actively participate in a charity event

  • Form time fundraising
  • House fundraising
  • Whole school fundraising
  • Community charity events
  • Organise your own fundraising out of school
  • Children in need
  • Macmillan cake competition
  • The Tom Henson charity


Pledge 7 – To read all of the books on the KS3 and KS4 reading passports and complete a book review for at least one a year

  • KS3 – 20 books
  • KS4 – 20 books
  • One book review a year to The Bolsover book blog
  • Can be a piece of writing inspired by a particular book

Pledge 8 – To represent the school OR house in ten different events

  • Inter house sports
  • Inter form competitions
  • Non-sporting events
  • Macmillan cake competition
  • Pumpkin carving competition
  • Other faculty competitions

Pledge 9 – To demonstrate a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the academic classroom

  • Regular attendance at curriculum+ sessions
  • Must occur over more than one year
  • Must occur across at least three different sessions
  • If you feel like you have achieved this pledge, you must get the staff member to email your form tutor confirmation

Pledge 10 – Individual pledge

  • Agreed with your form tutor
  • Attendance
  • Punctuality
  • Achievement points
  • Behaviour points
  • Demonstrate sustained improvement
  • It can be any pledge personal to you that your form tutor agrees to