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The Bolsover School and Xello

Every Student, Future Ready!

Xello is an engaging online program that prepares students for post secondary success in academics, careers and life. The program puts students at the centre of their career and future planning experience. It helps them build self-knowledge, explore their options, create a plan, and develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work. Learn more about Xello at

Mrs Crossley on Xello:

"Xello helps me to improve and adapt our careers programme to suit the needs of our students, for example, when I am planning careers trips, I can see the students who have specific career ideas, I can then invite students who I know will benefit from  a particular university or employer visit.

We use Xello in school to enhance our careers programme, it is another source of careers information, it helps to empower our students to take a lead on their own progress and career decisions. Xello is an engaging online careers platform that helps prepare students for post- 16 success. Students can use Xello by creating an on-line portfolio that showcases their interests, skills and abilities and students can use Xello to reflect on their experiences and identify what they have learnt. Using Xello equips students with the necessary career management tools to navigate their future."